Tuesday, August 27, 2013


And so it begins, the very first of many "first days of school."  It was a very exciting day for us and Tatum as she has officially begun school.  While she attended school full time in Spain last year, the curriculum and language (duh!), are quite different and this is the same path that the others will follow so we are viewing this as a major milestone.  Overall the fist day was a big success and Tatum has begun to meet some new friends.  She will attend full day school 3x/week and half-day twice weekly.

A special start to the day

Outside of her classroom

In she goes...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer fun in Ohio

With the exception of a whirlwind trip to St. Louis and a one-day visit to Kentucky, we have been enjoying our time here in Ohio learning the city and meeting friends.  It has been an adjustment going from a rather laid-back life in Spain to the fast-paced, long-hour world of fellowship.  Everyone is getting used to the changes and we are making the best use of time as we can.

Helping carry her new shoes

Sibling story time

Family bike ride

Sunday afternoon stroll - too cute!

Our newest family member, Gracie!

Outdoor play at home and with the neighbors

"Restaurant Camp"

Pool fun!

Food and fun at the Ohio State Fair

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A baby is on the way!

We are very excited to share the news that Baby Smiley #4 is on the way!  He or she will make his/her grand debut in mid-December and we cannot wait.  As of the 20-week ultrasound the baby is growing great and looking perfectly healthy.  Stay tuned for his/her arrival...

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Catching Up!

Within our first month back in the good ole' USA we made the rounds catching up with both family and friends.  An added plus was meeting some little ones who we did not get the chance to meet sooner.  While this is only the beginning of our time here we look forward to all the other friends and family we will soon see!

Meeting the Cornely babies: Sean and Grady (and Olivia too!)

Fun with our first visitor: Uncle Greg!

Meeting cousin Jorie

Zoo time with Roman

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Greetings Ohio!

After a whirlwind 48 hours of traveling we all arrived safe and sound in Ohio.  Mike and the kids made the 10-hour drive from Norfolk, Virginia while Madeline and I flew into Columbus late on Friday evening.  Prior to the Wednesday before our departure we had been planning on making a leisurely drive west after spending 2 days in VA but that plan came to a screeching halt when we learned that our furniture would not be able to arrive until the end of July unless one of us accepted it on Saturday the 22nd.  We were all quite exhausted and a bit moody but in the end, getting our furniture sooner than later was the best plan.  In truth though, none of this could have been done without the awesome help from Grandma Liz!

Our "Home sweet Home"

Monday, July 1, 2013

Adios Espana

As our time in Spain quickly came to an end we made sure to say our "goodbye's" and to pack in as much as we could before leaving.  We were very blessed to have such an amazing group of friends who were there for us during our last few days hosting us for meals, eating out with us, and loaning needed household goods.  Our two years overseas flew by and we have missed Rota more than we could have imagined!

A farewell dinner at the King's

Brian is hoping for a hug...

...after 17 months he got her to sit with him!

Out to dinner at 100 Montaditos - our local favorite!

Oh Rota boardwalk how we miss you!

Miss Heather's last morning with the kids

Owen's school

Owen with Tristan and Jack

Tatum with Lucia and Daniel

Tatum and Carley

Tatum and her great teacher, Maria del Carmen