Monday, October 29, 2007

Some recent pictures...

Going for a ride (which always puts me to sleep)

What? I have to take a bath!

Going to my first Halloween party

I do smile...but not necessarily at anyone in particular

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Welcome Baby Smiley!

Well I have finally found an opportunity to sit down and begin to catch up on life, e-mails, phone calls, and house work. Pretty much anything outside of sleeping and eating has been neglected over these past 2 weeks due to the anticipated arrival and the OFFICIAL arrival of Baby Smiley.

After 2 long days of failed induction attempts Tatum Smiley arrived via c-section on Wednesday, October 17th at 7:31 am weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces and measuring in at 20 inches. She was 10 days past her due date so her arrival was met with great joy and excitement. Since Mike was not able to be here in Maine, my mom was at my side throughout the entire process of both the induction and the c-section. After a few more nights in the hospital we brought Tatum home on Saturday, October 20th. Since coming home Tatum has been a joy to have around and she has a wonderful personality.

Just a few minutes old

Going home for the first time

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Waiting, and waiting, and waiting!

When will baby Smiley arrive? That is the big question now. I would be lying if I said that Sunday was an easy day...for 9 months October 7th has been circled on the calendar but it has now come and gone. Fortunately for me, my mom arrived last Wednesday and her company has been greatly appreciated at this time because I am very tired and the extra hand has been great to have around. The dogs have also enjoyed having her around because she has been giving them lots of love and attention.

We will keep all of you posted on the exciting news as it occurs but until then it is just a waiting game.

40 weeks