Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Few New Pictures

It has been awhile, but we finally had a little time to post some pictures. Owen is growing quickly and his looks seem to be changing by the day. We still aren't too sure who exactly he looks like, but his laid back attitude is much more like Mike's!

Owen relaxing in his swing

"Dr. Tatum" examining Owen

Tatum and Elise enjoying some Big Sister time at Virginia Beach

Mom, Dad, and Owen

Grandma Liz with Tatum and Owen

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Welcome Owen Michael!

At 10:52 a.m. on Thursday, April 1st Owen became the newest member of the Smiley family. He was a respectable 7 lbs 7 ounces (prior to losing 1/2 a pound at the time of discharge) and 20 1/4 inches long. So far we can say that Owen is an excellent sleeper, however, we expect that to change. Tatum has proved to be an excellent and loving big sister. Enjoy the pictures!

Naval Medical Center Portsmouth

Waiting for Owen in the OR

Owen getting his Umbilical Cord Cut!

First meeting between Mom and Baby

Tatum meets her little brother

Tatum enjoying her visitation time.

Tatum waiting to hold Owen again

Practice makes perfect

Ready for discharge

Our first family walk