Thursday, April 21, 2011

Beach Day!

Once in a while we are able to truly enjoy, and appreciate, three aspects of our (crazy!) life:

1. Mike is in residency thus his schedule is not Monday-Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm;
2. I am a stay-at-home mom;
3. We live in near the beach.

When combined, we are able to make the best use of our time, thus we had two beach days this week while 1. Mike was off on a Monday and a Tuesday; 2. I do not "go" to work so I was home and we had no plans; and 3. we can drive to the beautiful Virginia Beach oceanfront in just 30 minutes!

The kids had a wonderful time playing in the sand - building sand castles (Tatum) and crawling around (Owen) - all while the waves splashed, the breeze came and went, and it was a nice 80 degrees!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cookies anyone?

This morning cookies were being baked in Tatum's backpack and served in the dogs room. Yum!

Chef Tatum


"Dudda" is Owen's way of pronouncing "doggy" and he cannot say it enough. Owen loves to watch Sadie and Eli as well as he loves to point out other "duddas" when we see them. It took us a while to determine if "dudda" was his way of saying "Tatum," "Daddy," or "doggy" but when he began pointing to Sadie and Eli at the same time he said "dudda" we then knew for sure! (P.S. - Please ignore the disgusting windows that are covered in slobber (sp.?) from Sadie and Eli!)

Monday, April 4, 2011

2 1/2 years ago...

Here is Tatum enjoying her first cake - hard to believe how long ago this was...

Happy Birthday Owen!

We had a great time celebrating Owen's 1st Birthday this past weekend. It is so hard to believe that he is already 1! In addition to having some local friends over for a little cake celebration, we were very lucky to have our friends Melissa and Rich come down from DC to help us celebrate. We feel very blessed to have such great friends.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Random Pictures

Just a couple of cute shots from an afternoon at home this week...

Owen would probably call this "torture," not cute!