Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tatum's Birthday Gift

As a special treat this year, we took Tatum to a local sporting goods store called Decathlon (the European version of Sport's Authority or Dick's Sporting Goods) and allowed her to pick out her birthday present, a new bike! She loves riding her bike and we cannot seem to keep her off of it so we are just as thrilled.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tatum's Birthday Week

This year, Tatum was lucky to celebrate her birthday both in Germany and at home. While we traveled on her actual birthday, she celebrated with her class on Tuesday, the 18th. We supplied a birthday cake and everyone enjoyed a tasty treat after lunch. Although we did not have a birthday party this year Tatum had a fun-filled week because we celebrated her friends birthday later that week she had cake twice!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Trip to Garmisch

After a fun, but stressful whirlwind trip back to the U.S. in order to take my Pediatric Boards, Lindsey and I decided to take a trip to meet up with our good friends in the southern German state of Bavaria. Tatum was also thrilled as she got to celebrate her 4th birthday with her old pal from LUMP preschool (preschool class of 2010), Elise. While it may seem that traveling to the rest of Europe from Spain is an easy feat, we would beg to differ with children! In order to arrive to Garmisch we had to take 2 different airlines, the subway in Munich, connect to an above ground train, and then finally a cab to the hotel! Needless to say, days spent traveling weren't our favorite. However, it was well worth the trip and we are looking forward to returning in the future.

The view of the valley farmland surrounding our hotel.

Owen exploring downtown Garmisch.

Tatum and Elise ready to go for a ride in the bike trailer. We aren't sure what Tatum was so scared about here!

Owen ready to go for a ride in his pink helmet.

The scenery while stopping for a bite to eat before en route to the Partnach Gorge.

Owen enjoying playing with rocks before our steep hike down into the gorge.

Tatum, Elise, and Caleb enjoying the scenery on the hike.

Walking at the bottom of the Partnach Gorge. This was a very steep hike carrying Owen and Lucas. The walls of the cliffs are nearly 300 feet high!

More views from the path inside the gorge.

Family picture prior to entering the paths pictured above.

Owen feeding mom flowers on the hike.

Owen and Caleb exhausted after a long day of adventure.

Owen recharging his batteries at dinner with 1 Liter of a German Dunkel beer. This is a traditional Munich beer that is categorized as an Amber.

Tatum and Owen passed out after a long day of fun.

Wieskirche (Pilgrim church of Wies). This church was constructed in the 1700's in order to accommodate the large masses of people who were making pilgrimages in order to visit a statue of Jesus that was seen to have tears coming from it. The Vatican declared it a miracle and subsequently funded this church built in what is considered the Rococo style. The inside is very nice, however, we don't have any pictures because a mass was being conducted during our visit.

Neuschwanstein Castle. This was the castle of King Ludwig II and is reported to be the inspiration for the Disney World Castle in Orlando.

A closer look at Neuschwanstein Castle.

Tatum and Elise goofing off in front of the Castle.

Linderhof Palace. This is yet another palace built by Kind Ludwig II. The inspiration for most of this is Versailles.

Closer look at Linderhof Palace.

A view of the fountains in the front of the palace.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day Trip to Arcos de la Frontera

Today we took a trip to one of the famous Pueblos Blancos that are scattered throughout the hills and mountains of Andalusia. The closest one to us is less than one hour away and is a town called Arcos de la Frontera. This town has been inhabited since prehistoric times secondary to its strategic location atop a cliff. The views from the top of the town to the surrounding planes are some of the best we have seen in our short time here.

Walking along the narrow streets (cars actually drive on them!).

Iglesia de Santa Maria de la Asuncion.
The original building here dates back from the thirteenth century and sits atop an old Arab Mosque.

The side of Saint Mary's Basilica.

The view from the patio of a bar at the local Parador looking at the Saint Peter's church on the edge of a cliff. A Parador is a state run luxury hotel that is typically at a historic site such as an old Monastery or Castle.

A closer look at St. Peter's Church.

Looking the opposite direction on the cliff at the Castle which is an old Arab military fortress.

Tatum enjoying the view of the surrounding plains.

Not sure what it is exactly, but I know what it looks like.

Owen exhausted after a long day of sightseeing and riding on dad's back.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Enjoying a Walk on the Beach

After a day filled with driving yesterday to and from Gibraltar we needed a relaxing day. Being October 2nd and a comfortable 85 degrees outside we decided to take the kids for a walk on the beach after Owen's nap. Well....Tatum got to walk on the beach, but not Owen because his cast can't get wet.

Looking at the Naval Base Beach from the Fuentebravia side of the fence.

Looking the other direction towards El Puerto de Santa Maria.

Dad and kids enjoying walking on the beach.

Dad and Owen.

Tatum hugging her baby sister!

Tatum climbing rocks on the beach (even though we told her not to).

Owen enjoying his ride in the baby backpack.

Tatum smiling at the camera for once!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Today we took a day trip to Gibraltar. This is about a 90 minute drive southeast from us. Gibraltar is technically a British colony and not part of Spain so we had to bring our passports and pass through customs and immigration (which is quite relaxed). Historically, Gibraltar is important because it sits as the entry point between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean. Britain seized Gibraltar during the War of the Spanish Succession in 1704 and it has created a lot of tension between the two countries in the past. The presence of pubs, fish and chips, pounds and sterling is a contrast to the Spain we have been living in the past 2 months.

"The Rock" as we approach it from the Spanish town of La Linea de la Concepcion.

We never knew this until today either!

Entering into Gibraltar. Greek legend has it that Hercules separated Africa and Europe to open up the Mediterranean to the Atlantic.

On Main Street where all the shops are.

The old city walls.

The entrance to St. Michael's Cave.

Inside the Cave.

One of the many infamous tailless apes of Gibraltar (technically Barbary Macaques). This colony was believed to have been brought over from Africa, but nobody knows how.

Mom and Baby Ape.

Mom and baby human!

On top of Gibraltar...over 1400 feet up (with bad rails)!

More views from the top.

View from the one of the windows in the 31 miles of Siege Tunnels constructed during wartime. The town in the distance is La Linea in Spain and that is the border you walk across to get there.