This past weekend Mike's sister, Melanie, hosted a baby shower at her home. It was so much fun to get together with family and friends to celebrate Baby Smiley. I was lucky too in that some family as well as a good friend from graduate school made the trip to St. Louis to help celebrate the day with us. We had a great time playing games, eating cake, and opening presents - all of which were so wonderful.
Mike's mom planned all of the games that we played and it was fun to learn how many different "Baby Shower" games there are out there. We started the afternoon sniffing diapers filled with melted chocolate candy; the goal was to determine what piece of candy was in each diaper. If only real diapers smelled like melted Reese's Peanut Butter Cups! We then went on to play "The Price is Right - Baby Style" in which you guess how much certain baby products cost. I lost big time which means that all the recent trips to Babies R' Us have done me no good.

After a fun game of measure Lindsey's belly it was determined that my belly already measures 41.5 inches around. If it is already this big at 29 weeks I can only imagine how big it will be when I am full term in late September! Our friend Kari won the game as her piece of string was an exact match to the size of my belly. It was only appropriate to end that game by digging into the yummy vanilla and chocolate cake that we had which was graciously baked by the same lady who made our wedding, one year anniversary, and Mike's graduation from Medical school cake.
In sum it was a great afternoon and it was made very clear how excited everyone is to meet our little pal!