Friday, March 28, 2008
Tatum's 1st Meal!
After a week of deliberating, we finally decided to let Tatum have her first taste of solid food (if you don't count the Maple Syrup Sundae from Easter). The recipe was simple: rice powder + milk. Tatum seemed to enjoy this experience, but it will be a long time before this is her sole source of food. We also think that we will be doing a lot more laundry in the near future!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Maine Maple Sunday
Today, Easter Sunday, we had the opportunity to join in an annual Maine tradition, "Maine Maple Sunday." On this day, which annually falls on the 4th Sunday in March, sugar makers all across Maine open the doors of their sugarhouses and allow the public to join them in their rites of spring - making maple syrup.
Dependent on which farm one visits, there are opportunities to taste pure maple syrup, sugar, candies, and homemade ice cream as well as to tour the livestock and greenhouses by foot or by way of a wagon ride. We chose to head out to Jillson's Farm, about 45 minutes away from Brunswick, where we proceeded to eat a maple sundae for lunch followed by pure maple sugar poured over ice (which allowed it to crystalize and then be consumed on a stick) for dessert. Even better we then headed over to a friends house for Easter dinner where we then consumed a wonderful dinner followed by more chocolate and dessert. Tatum was one lucky gal as daddy offered her a taste of ice cream which she appeared to enjoy. We had a great time and it was nice to get out and do something local as we have just over a year left in Maine and there is a wealth of things to do here. Oh and also, we did get to see a demonstration of maple sap being converted into maple syrup - the real objective for opening up the sugar houses to the public!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Meet Tatum
For those of you who have not had the opportunity to meet Ms. Tatum in person we have uploaded some videos of her playing in her "Jumperoo" today. She absolutely loves this toy and is able to entertain herself for long periods of time which is a great help to us! Enjoy.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
What is Daddy thinking???
While we in no way encourage underage drinking, this was pretty funny and worth some snapshots. As I mentioned in the prior post, these days things make their way into Tatum's mouth quicker than we realize!...
5 months old...

Well, we are again a bit overdue with updating the blog thanks to some travels and adjusting to our regular daily routine of naps vs. no-naps vs. going to the gym, etc. Time certainly flies when you are having fun and it is hard to believe that Tatum is already 5 months old! We are beginning to get into everything these days and anything that is within arms reach is headed straight for the mouth. I could worry extensively about germs however I realize that within the next few months she will be able to get things into her mouth quicker than I can grab them out! Tatum is now rolling over front-to-back and back-to-front as well as she is trying very hard to crawl by scooting her little bottom up into the air and stretching her arms out. We are working on sitting up and I figure that this will be a milestone that is reached very shortly as she can sit unassisted for short periods of time. Keep checking back as we will be posting some pictures from our 2 week trip to St. Louis to see family and friends...

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