This weekend we decided to explore one of the many peninsulas of mid-coast Maine. We drove north on Route 1 through the towns of Wiscasset and Damariscotta and then headed south to the end of the Pemaquid Peninsula. Our first stop was the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, which was built in 1824. This is the lighthouse on the Maine state quarter. Next to the lighthouse, they have a museum which was full of interesting relics related to the sea-going lifestyle of Maine's past and present. One of the displays was a taxidermist preserved 25 pound lobster caught in the 1950's! This lobster was estimated to be nearly 90 nears old. In addition to the lighthouse at Pemaquid, it is a great spot to watch the waves and play on the rocks.
Our next stop was Fort William Henry and Colonial Pemaquid State Historic Site. This settlement was built in the early 1600's and they had a graveyard that dated back to 1695. Fort William Henry was built in 1698 to defend this area against the pirates and the French. The view from the top was amazing and Tatum seemed to enjoy it as well. However, she was most interested in showing everyone her new milestone of standing. While it certainly is an exciting milestone, it is also a nerve-racking as they are many associated falls.
Last, but not least was our stop on the way home to take a picture of an interesting store sign we saw on our drive down to the lighthouse-Happy Endings! After taking a picture of the sign, we also made our friend Tim a reservation for his September visit.