As our two years in Maine are quickly coming to an end, Lindsey and I decided that we needed to go moose hunting in order to make our Maine experience complete. Accompanied by our friends Mike, Dana, and their daughter "Caca" (Caroline) we drove 3 hours north to the mountain/fishing town of Rangeley. We drove through the "exotic" towns of Peru and Mexico en route and were treated to some of the finest mountain scenery in all of Maine, however, no moose were spotted on the way. Tatum and Caca were not as of appreciative of the beautiful scenery and being strapped into their car seats for so long so this made for some loud moments at times.
After a relaxed lunch in Rangeley (which happens to be exactly half way between the Equator and the North Pole) the girls were able to stretch their legs. Our waitress suggested that we headed further north to the town of Stratton in search of the elusive swamp donkey. 5 minutes into this detour, we were treated to our first moose sighting. After slamming on the breaks and scaring the beast away we were lucky enough to spot 4 more! We were also fortunate to spot 1 full grown Bull Moose, however, the antlers are regrowing at this time of the year because they shed them annually each fall. In addition to this, we spotted a moose calf that had likely just left her mother and she allowed us to get relatively close for good pictures.
After our successful moose hunting enterprise we headed back home so the kids would have time to play out of their car seats. We did make one detour at a site overlooking Rangeley Lake called "Height of the Land". This is considered one of the most scenic spots in all of New England and is very popular during the fall foliage season. Even without the colorful leaves to look at it was a beautiful scenic point. With movers coming to pack us out in approximately 10 days now, Lindsey and I can say that we truly have made the most of our 2 years in Maine.