Thursday, March 31, 2011
Yummy. Goodness.
I am in no way a food pro, nor am I trying to be a food blogger, but I was introduced a while back to some delicious cupcakes known as "Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough cupcakes" and I have been dreaming of them since. They are delicious and the best part is that they have raw (can be egg-free) cookie dough in the middle! I researched a bunch of recipes and settled on one the other day, so I made them during nap/quiet time and they were just as yummy as I remembered. They are a brown sugar cupcake with cookie dough frosting - yum! If interested here is the recipe I used:

Monday, March 28, 2011
A future in art?
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Swim Lessons
The kids are enjoying their spring swim lessons at our local Y. Tatum has gone from semi-fearful to totally fearless on her own in the water as is evidenced by her constantly trying to jump in the water when her instructor is assisting another swimmer and by her testing her independence in various depths of water. We were lucky today when another father was able to grab her quickly as she struggled to remain afloat in water too deep (she had wandered away from the step in a matter of seconds). Owen just loves swim lessons and he truly enjoys his special time with daddy. (Unfortunately the lighting was not great and once the camera de-fogged I was only able to grab a few decent shots.)

Visitor's to Virginia
While we were pretty terrible about taking pictures over the last 4 months, we did manage to get a few pictures of some of our friends and family who came to visit this past fall and winter, and they deserve a quick "shout-out" on the blog. We hosted Uncle Mark and soon-to-be Aunt Alison in November; Tim, Carlye and Luke for New Year's; and Steve and Natalie in February. We had a great time with all and as always, time flew!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Setting the table
Today, in preparation of our/her friends coming over for dinner, Tatum helped mommy to set the table. She did a wonderful job setting the adult table as well as the "kid table." We thought that it was pretty neat that Tatum picked out matching plates to coincide with the chairs that she picked for she and her friends to sit in.

Monday, March 21, 2011
Owen meet whole milk, whole milk meet Owen...
So this did not go over so well as the pictures show. Owen does need to get used to milk because he needs to be 100% weaned by April 8 as I will be gone for the weekend at Alison's bachelorette party - woohoo!
Missing Max
While most everything that happened over the past 4 1/2 months was great, sadly, we had to say goodbye to Max on December 4th. After a short, but brave battle with Feline Renal Failure, Max's 4.5lb body no longer had the energy to keep fighting. He was loving guy until the end and he certainly is not replaceable. We love and miss you Max!
Back to blogging (again!)...
Once again, after a many month hiatus (four, almost 5 to be exact), we will attempt to update the blog on a regular basis. Since our last blog post a lot has happened, very few pictures have been taken (bad!), and time has flown. The holidays came and went in the wink of an eye and we now find ourselves preparing for Owen's first Birthday in less than 2 weeks! Thanksgiving was nice and relaxing here in VA, Christmas was a whirlwind in St. Louis, and New Years was again a great time with great friends here at our house. After the holidays life quickly resumed back to normal with crazy work and gym hours for Mike, school for Tatum, and gym, bible study, grocery shopping, and "mommy work" for Lindsey. Owen, being the happy little camper that he is, happily tags along with whomever he is with. So that being said, we promise to be better about pictures and updates for the (few) people whom we know enjoy reading our blog!
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