Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Long Day!

Today was a busy day at work for dad and a day full of errands for Tatum. After our afternoon walk, Mike was supposed to be getting Tatum ready to eat, but they had a different agenda!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tatum's Future Looks Bright

This was the nicest weekend of 2008 thus far, so we decided to to take Tatum outside to explore. It was very sunny so she had to wear sunglasses to protect her from the harmful UV rays. On Saturday, we went to a dairy farm called Pine Valley Farms located in New Gloucester. We walked around their trails and visited some of the farm animals. Tatum was fascinated by the 2 week old dairy calves, which were also quite interested in her. Unfortunately, we left the camera in the car during this visit.

Getting ready for a stroll

On Sunday we took a drive up to Boothbay Harbor with our friends Mike and Dana along with their 6 month old daughter, Caroline. During the summer, this is a busy lobster harbor, but today it was quiet, so we just walked around and did some window shopping and ate a casual lunch.

On the footbridge in Boothbay Harbor

Friday, April 18, 2008

Tatum's 6 Month Birthday!

Tatum celebrated her 6 month birthday today in high style! The 3 of us ventured a few miles north to the town of Bath where we had some caffeinated drinks at a local coffee shop and then shopped for a new coffee press before heading home. This was then followed by Tatum's first taste of banana baby food which resulted in a much needed bath. After that it was time for bed! We are pretty sure her first birthday will be a bit more hectic.

Fun in the Sun!

Lindsey and Tatum decided to celebrate April 15th by playing on the Orletski's newly installed swing set. Tatum is definitely enjoying the "warm" weather and she loves being outside. Warm is still a relative term here as there are still 12 foot high snow banks next to the runway on base!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Warning: Sharp Objects!

Tatum recently started to show off her newest addition-her two little teeth. While they certainly are cute, they are also razor sharp and she is biting everything! Don't say you weren't warned.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tatum's New Hiking Backpack!

This is Dad and Tatum testing out her new hiking backpack while playing fetch with the dogs in the backyard. Tatum gave it raving reviews, commenting, "If dad would get his haircut then I could throw it to them overhand". This will definitely be nice to have when we go to Acadia National Park at the end of May.

Bedroom Play Time!

Tatum has learned to sit up unsupported and loves playing on her animal themed bedroom rug.