Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tatum's Future Looks Bright

This was the nicest weekend of 2008 thus far, so we decided to to take Tatum outside to explore. It was very sunny so she had to wear sunglasses to protect her from the harmful UV rays. On Saturday, we went to a dairy farm called Pine Valley Farms located in New Gloucester. We walked around their trails and visited some of the farm animals. Tatum was fascinated by the 2 week old dairy calves, which were also quite interested in her. Unfortunately, we left the camera in the car during this visit.

Getting ready for a stroll

On Sunday we took a drive up to Boothbay Harbor with our friends Mike and Dana along with their 6 month old daughter, Caroline. During the summer, this is a busy lobster harbor, but today it was quiet, so we just walked around and did some window shopping and ate a casual lunch.

On the footbridge in Boothbay Harbor

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