Monday, March 30, 2009

A quick update on Tatum...

It is hard to believe that Tatum is now 17 months old...time sure does fly! Along with getting older there are some new skills/behaviors that are becoming more evident/regular and they are not always the most wonderful. Here is a brief taste of life with Tatum:

1. At 17 months she decided to...JUMP OUT OF HER CRIB! Mind you, this first occurred at 2 a.m. on a Tuesday morning while Mike was gone and I was alone in the house. Imagine how you would feel if you heard the pitter patter of feet and then "Hi!" without expecting it. There is not much more that I can say about this other than that I am sleep deprived now b/c I cannot rest knowing that it can happen at any moment. Hello crib tent!

2. Walking is her favorite thing to do now, regardless of rain, snow, sleet or ice! "Wa, wa, wa" is about the only thing we here when we are remotely close to any door or if we are in the car.

3. Last but not least...we have entered the stage of the lovely fit throwing in public (and at home too)...if she does not get her way the kicking and screaming starts along with hurling herself at the ground. It is so lovely to be in public with a screaming child who is flailing her arms and kicking her shoes off when she cannot do what she wants...which usually includes "wa, wa, wa."

Aside from the above Tatum is a wonderful little girl who has quite the personality and she can make anyone laugh with her funny antics.

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