Saturday, May 16, 2009

A quick update from VIRGINIA...

Well we have officially been living in Norfolk, Virginia for 2 weeks now! After a crazy couple of weeks at the end of April we left Maine on May 1st and traveled to Annapolis, MD to visit the Navel Academy before heading south to Norfolk. On Saturday the 2nd we arrived safely at our new home in Virginia where we quickly hunkered down and settled in. Between goodbye's and packing our last few weeks in Virginia were a bit crazed and hectic to say the least. On top of all of the craziness, moving with an 18 month old was not particularly fun for anyone thus it was hard to maintain any semblance of a routine or normalcy. Once our belongings arrived we worked pretty much day and night to unpack so that we could relieve ourselves of the boxes and be settled in before Mike left on Monday the 11th. Thankfully our friends the Arthur's and the Snyder's were able to assist with watching Tatum so that we could be productive! Despite all of the long days and sleepless nights (due to thinking about all that we had to do!) we are happy to be here and we are adjusting to our new life in Virginia. Please let us know if you will be in the area as we would love to see you!

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