Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend in Baltimore

Baltimore's Inner Harbor

It has been way too long since we've updated the blog, so we figured it was finally a good time after getting away for a family weekend in Baltimore.

Lindsey and Tatum enjoying the sunny afternoon.

Baltimore is a relatively short 4 hour drive from us in Norfolk. Tatum didn't seem to think so, however, and she repeatedly asked us if she could "walk" the whole drive up there. That was both frustrating and funny at the same time.

Tatum Happy to be out of the Car!

Once in Baltimore, we made the most of our 48 hours. We got last minute tickets to an Orioles game at Camden Yards, which wasn't too difficult considering they are last place in the NL East. It was a very nice ballpark and despite their record, it was nice to see the Baltimore faithful present and cheering on their team. Tatum also participated in the cheering and kept yelling "catch it".

Dad and Tatum enjoying the Game

Following the game we met up with some friends who drove up from D.C. for dinner in the historic neighborhood of Federal Hill.

Lindsey and Natalie at Dinner

Steve, Mike and Tatum at dinner

The following day we had tickets for the National Aquarium, which was worth the drive in itself. In addition to the many exhibits, we had tickets for the dolphin show and the 4-D Planet Earth: Shallow Seas movie experience. Tatum enjoyed the dolphin show immensely, but the 4-D immersion experience may have been a little too intense as she cried during it. Still, it was a good experience. In addition to this, we went down to Little Italy for treats and also tried out a famous pizza place that has been open since the 1940's. The day was capped off by some free time in the playground on top of the scenic vantage point Federal Hill. Tatum was able to get enough energy released that she slept for 12 straight hours!

The National Aquarium

Inside the Dolphin Show

Tatum enjoying the Australian Exhibit

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