Sunday, November 15, 2009

The "November Nor'easter"

The combination of the remnants of Hurricane Ida passing through our area coupled with a Nor'easter that hit us at the same time in addition to already high tides because of the full moon left Norfolk in a state of emergency the past few days! Heavy rains (over 1 foot) and strong winds (60 mph) started Wednesday night and lasted through Friday the 13th. This combination led to the tides rising over 7 feet above flood levels, the worst since Hurricane Isabel passed through this area. At its peak on Thursday night, the water in our street was above my (Mike) waist, over 2 feet higher than the pictures posted. We were lucky in that we had electricity the entire time and our basement only had minimal flooding. Other people fared much worse though and the city is starting to clean up and get back to normal.

Water in front of our house. Still 2 feet to go!

Flooding at our intersection

More Flooding at our intersection

Across the street from us

Looking towards Tatum's preschool - which was canceled (of course!).

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