Monday, February 22, 2010

Making some potty strides

As many of you know, one of the biggest challenges that we face as a parent is toilet training a toddler. So, as we prepare to welcome "baby brother" into this world we have also begun to introduce the potty chair because we are well aware of the fact that our lives will be much different in about 5-6 weeks. We have been allowing Tatum to run around in big girl undies for a few days now and we have gone from being completely unaware of our plumbing system to announcing as we crawled into bed that we pottied in our diaper. As we still have a long way to go this is a big step! Last night Tatum used the potty 4 times before going to bed and we also used the potty twice last week. While she is initially very hesitant to sit on the potty her sheer joy and excitement is felt when she does manage to pee-pee on the potty. Afterward we take a trip to the toilet and Tatum gets to flush everything herself which she loves to do. Let's cross our fingers that we can make this stick!

Very proudly displaying the "goods"

All gone...time to put the potty back

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Go Tatum!!!!! Hope you guys manage to have only one in diapers at a time. That would be a pretty awesome achievement.