Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Saying goodbye is no fun!

One of the biggest drawbacks to a life in the Navy is the fairly regular coming and going (i.e. moving) of friends which can be very sad when one has to say goodbye. Tatum experienced this for the first time this summer when we had to say goodbye to our great friends the Arthur's as they embark on a new journey...life in Italy! They were our family away from home as we saw them almost daily for the duration of our 14 months together in Norfolk. As with the regular comings and goings, one does never know what the Navy will bring, so this may not be goodbye for long as we said our goodbye's to them 4 years ago as we all embarked on journey's elsewhere after intern year. It has been hard to explain to Tatum that she will not get to see "Leesie" on a regular basis but we know that she will not forget her first b.f.f.!

Tatum and Elise saying goodbye

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