Thursday, October 28, 2010

October Update!

October has come and gone quicker than we could have ever imagined. After returning home from a great trip to Disney World life was back into full swing and we were trying to catch our breaths once again. Tatum is in school M, W, F this year and Mike averages 1-2 on-call nights per week so we often find ourselves wondering on Sunday night what happened to the previous week?! Although it is sad to know that with each passing month our children are getting older and bigger, we are excited at what the future brings. This time next year we may be calling Europe or Asia or the Pacific Northwest our home which is such an exciting prospect for us so we are looking forward to the near future with a lot of excitement.

October was also a wonderful month in that we celebrated another milestone, Tatum's 3rd Birthday! It is hard to believe that we already have a 3 year old. Tatum is a wonderful, happy, sweet, and strong-willed little girl who can be both easy going and challenging at the same time. No one ever said that having a 3 year old was easy and we sure have found this to be true. She is now out of diapers 100% and she can dress herself independently and her world revolves around Princesses.

At 6 1/2 months Owen is as sweet and easy going as can be. He has learned great patience from day 1 as he has a big sister who requires a lot of attention. Owen has been on solid foods for about 2 months now and he has 8 sharp chompers already! Tatum did not even have her first tooth until she was 6 1/2 months. Although he is not yet sitting independently, he is managing to get around quite easily as he rolls and rolls and rolls on the floor all day long. We are finding it quite amusing to note the differences between a boy and a girl as they are quite apparent. Owen is much more interested in throwing toys and grabbing than Tatum ever was.

We will try to be much better about posting pictures and blogging updates as to our comings and goings. This weekend we are journeying north to Washington D.C. to cheer on Mike, Kieran, and Melissa as they run the Marine Corps Marathon on Halloween Day so check back for an update!

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