Monday, March 21, 2011

Back to blogging (again!)...

Once again, after a many month hiatus (four, almost 5 to be exact), we will attempt to update the blog on a regular basis. Since our last blog post a lot has happened, very few pictures have been taken (bad!), and time has flown. The holidays came and went in the wink of an eye and we now find ourselves preparing for Owen's first Birthday in less than 2 weeks! Thanksgiving was nice and relaxing here in VA, Christmas was a whirlwind in St. Louis, and New Years was again a great time with great friends here at our house. After the holidays life quickly resumed back to normal with crazy work and gym hours for Mike, school for Tatum, and gym, bible study, grocery shopping, and "mommy work" for Lindsey. Owen, being the happy little camper that he is, happily tags along with whomever he is with. So that being said, we promise to be better about pictures and updates for the (few) people whom we know enjoy reading our blog!

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