Friday, December 30, 2011

Daytrip to Cadiz

Today we took a short 30 minute drive south around the Bay of Cadiz to the city of Cadiz. Their claim to fame is the longest continually inhabited city in Europe having been established in 1100 BC. We had the opportunity to catch up with an old friend and her family who were in Seville for a holiday vacation. At 60 degrees and sunny it was the perfect day to sit outside at a cafe and catch up.

The Cathedral of Cadiz

Tatum on the steps of the Cathedral

Owen and Tatum goofing off in town

Owen trying to prevent us from taking a good picture of him

Owen holding on for dear life on his 1 Euro horse ride!

One of the many narrow streets of Cadiz

Maybe the final belly shot before Baby #3 arrives?

1 comment:

Tim said...

I love the picture of Owen on the horse. Stay classy Mike!