Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our chubby little lovebug...

It is impossible to have anything but smiles around this cutie pie, she is so sweet and she is growing like a weed.  Before we know it she will be walking and talking like the other two!

sitting on her own now!

spit-up anyone?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lisboa, Portugal...

one of many of Lisbon's trolleys

 ...a European city that feels a bit like San Francisco!  Lisbon, or Lisboa to locals, is a beautiful sea-side city that has a lot of history, neat neighborhoods to explore, great shopping, good food, friendly locals, and a lot of hills.  We ventured here this past weekend for a three-night getaway with the kids.  It was a nice time and the weather was great which made for an even nicer weekend.  We enjoyed being in a city in which there are not too many "must-see's" which allowed for some flexibility with our days.  Saturday we spent the morning and early afternoon at the Lisbon Zoo which had come highly recommended by our friends.  Overall it was a great place to visit on our continuing European adventures.

the Praca dos Restauradores

Owen proudly wearing Tatum's purple glasses!

the Rossio Square

a view of the arch from Rue Augusta - a pedestrian walkway

 the Triumphal Arch

Praca do Comercio

The Se Cathedral

The front of the Se Cathedral

this photo is an example of both a tired and a hot Owen

the Restauradores neighborhood

the Palacio de Sao Bento (home of the Portuguese Parliament)

being silly before dinner

tuckered out

riding the cable car at the zoo

our view from above of the dolphin show

the zoo's gardens

we rode right over the lions - and there was no safety net at all!

our monkey's watching the monkeys!

we decided to get McFlurry's - something we have not done since being in Europe

on the double deck sightseeing bus

the Mosteiro des Jeronimos

Ponte 25 de Abril Bridge - very similar in looks to the Golden Gate Bridge

Torre de Belem

 at dinner on Saturday

Thursday, July 19, 2012

100 Montaditos


While there is no Panera Bread here or any similar sandwich chain, there is 100 Montaditos, our favorite local eatery.  The concept behind 100 Montaditos is small sandwiches filled with delicious combinations.  On Wednesdays and Sundays everything on the menu is 1 Euro - drinks included - so you cannot go wrong.  Additionally, the view is fantastic as 100 Montaditos is right on the Rota boardwalk.  Last night we headed here for dinner after swim lessons and it was a nice family night!

July 2012

Here are a few pictures of some July happenings:

the beaches are packed here in the summer with endless amounts of umbrellas

We love this guy - glasses on upside down and shoes on the wrong feet

we love her and her blue eyes

watching Tatum and Owen at the pool