Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Madrid Visit #2: Madrid, Escorial, and the Valley of the Fallen

Part 2 of Tim's visit to Spain was a trip north to Madrid.  This was our second trip there and now that we had a grasp on the city we were able to see a bit more and explore some of the outside areas as well.  Many people here don't speak too highly of Madrid, but we think it is a great family-friendly city to visit.  It is also very vibrant, as there were many demonstrations during our time there...fortunately, none were violent!

The home of Real Madrid-Santiago Bernabeu Stadium-which holds 110,00 people!

View of Catedral de la Almudena from Palacio Real

One of the doors at the entrance of Catedral de la Almudena

Tim and the kids outside of Palacio Real

Tatum posing in the Plaza de Armas at Palacio Real

Mom and MJ diligently studying Rick Steves

Another view inside the Plaza de Armas

Owen throwing one of his many fits during the visit

The Temple of Debod-an actual Egyptian temple in the center of Mardid

MJ enjoying the swings in Parque Oeste

Tatum playing at Parque Oeste

Owen getting motion sickness!

Tatum taking MJ on her first trip down a slide

Chocolate and Churros at San Gines in downtown Mardid

Owen enjoying churros

Entrance to Parque del Retiro in Madrid near the Prado

Outside of El Escorial-a palace at the foothills of the Sierra de Guadarrama

Inside the Basilica at El Escorial

The ceiling in the library at El Escorial

Valley of the Fallen:  This is a Civil War memorial built by General Franco.  The cross is nearly 500 feet high and the basilica is carved 820 feet into this mountain.  Franco is buried inside here in addition to 40,000 soldiers from both sides of the civil war. 

Time for a snack after our day trip to El Escorial and Valley of the Fallen

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