Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ringing in the New Year in Edinburgh, Scotland

 We decided to end 2012, and ring in 2013, with a short, but fun-filled trip to "Edinburrah" (as the locals call it) for their annual Hogmanay festival (  It was a bit chilly and the short daytime hours made it seem colder as it was dark and windy by 4:30 pm, but we managed to enjoy some good food, ride some rides, hit up some Starbucks, and tour the castle in our short 2-days and 3 nights.  Edinburgh devotes great attention to the Holiday season with the Hogmanay celebration as well as they have a winter wonderland ( that lasts from around Thanksgiving until Three King's Day on January 6th.  The city was very alive and it was nice (and a bit refreshing) to be in a country in which English is spoken.  Since we (Mike and Lindsey) traveled to Edinburgh in August 2004 it was neat to visit this city again and to see some of the same sights - one would not deny though that our wonderful and always sometimes well behaved children made this a very different trip!

Since we were not able to partake in many of the Hogmanay events because they were not open to children 16 and under, we were able to attend the children's disco party on New Year's Eve day.  We bought tickets in advance and it entitled the kids to 2 hours of dancing, snacking, arts and crafts and face painting.  They had a great time and enjoyed dancing.

Here are a few highlights from the trip:

 Visiting Our Dynamic Earth (

the view from atop the ferris wheel

Tatum on the ferris wheel


Edinburgh Castle

disco fun!

Owen had to stand up to potty - this was a new thing for him

The Royal Mile

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