Monday, March 4, 2013

El Bucarito

Despite the morning chill and the cool winds, we packed up our brood and joined some friends for a morning-into-the-early-afternoon outing at El Bucarito (, a local goat and pig farm that is known for their production of goat cheeses and chorizo.  After relaxed, but typical Spanish breakfast of bread and olive oil or butter, we ventured out onto the farm grounds.  The farm was quite expansive and we were able to mingle with the goats, romp around the somewhat incredibly smelly pig pens, cuddle baby goats and piglets, watch a birds of prey show, and learn about the process of making goat cheese.  All of this was then finished off with a return to the dining hall where we enjoyed some cheese, chorizo, chips, crackers, and drinks of our choice.  The kids had a fun time touring the farm and making the cheese so overall we would call it a success!


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