Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Waiting, and waiting, and waiting!

When will baby Smiley arrive? That is the big question now. I would be lying if I said that Sunday was an easy day...for 9 months October 7th has been circled on the calendar but it has now come and gone. Fortunately for me, my mom arrived last Wednesday and her company has been greatly appreciated at this time because I am very tired and the extra hand has been great to have around. The dogs have also enjoyed having her around because she has been giving them lots of love and attention.

We will keep all of you posted on the exciting news as it occurs but until then it is just a waiting game.

40 weeks


The Munchkins Mama said...

Well you are still looking fabulous...is that a new lamp? I don't remember it from the house in Pcola! Although I think I onlyl sat on the couch, ate food, and looked at pictures while I was there!

The Munchkins Mama said...

Glad to hear you are still doing well. Have your mom email or text me when the little one appears!

The Munchkins Mama said...

Congrats on Tatum!