Sunday, August 22, 2010

Some Summer Pictures

We can't believe it that it has been nearly 3 months since we last updated the blog! Owen was merely 2 months old and summer had just begun. Now we find ourselves at the end of August with a 5 month old boy who won't sleep to save his life and summer coming to an end. It was been a whirlwind of a summer for sure! Lindsey and the kids spent close to a month of it in St. Louis and Wisconsin visiting family while I had the pleasure of working nights at the hospital. We have included a few pictures from the summer, but stay tuned....we have made a pact to update this more frequently for all 3 people who look at it!

At St. Anselm for Owen's Baptism

Tatum tackling cousin Roman in church

Tatum and Owen relaxing at Uncle Mark's and Big Al's

Tatum looking for a goat to torture at Grant's Farm

Tatum finds her victim

Tatum trying to carry the goat!

Lindsey and kids at UW's Memorial Union

Enjoying the waves at Sandbridge Beach

1 comment:

JCPS Parents said...

Don't update it for us, think about the virtual scrapbook you've created for you little ones! :)