Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A quick life update...

Hello family and friends! As many of you know, the past two years have been filled with many life changes and several moves around the country with the Navy. Since May 2005 we have lived in Virginia Beach, VA, Pensacola, FL, and now Maine. In between the moves and the life changes we have had the opportunity to travel to many wonderful places such as Peru to visit Machu Picchu and Hawaii to see some friends who made the move out there last year. This past April we finally settled down for what feels like a long time (2 years) in Brunswick, Maine where Mike will serve as the Flight Surgeon for a P-3 Squadron at NAS Brunswick. Most excitedly, we are expecting a baby this October so life will again be bringing us a new and exciting challenge.

Since it is not easy to see and talk to everyone as often as we would like, we have started up this blog in the hope that we can keep you updated on our life and the adventures and everyday encounters that we experience. Enjoy and please keep in touch!

1 comment:

Adam P. said...

I like the web site.
When is the baby's official due date?