Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Summer 2007 Adventures

For those of you who did not know, Mike's job has taken him to far away lands for the next 6 months. When he returns he will be a new Dad so it will be quite an exciting homecoming! Since Mike is gone I took the opportunity to travel west to see family and friends for the summer. The week after Mike left I packed up the car and the two dogs and drove 1300 miles away from Maine to St. Louis where I am staying with my mom (who very thankfully accompanied me on the drive). While here I will be able to visit Madison, WI, Duluth, MN, and make a trip down to Houston for a girls weekend reunion with some friends. In addition, many family and friends are coming here to St. Louis to visit while I am in the mid-west. If you will be in the area any time between now and mid-August please give us a call as we would love to see you.

Since Mike was packing up for 6 months we tried to maximize our last weekends together doing "touristy" things in Maine. The day before Mike left we enjoyed taking a Puffin Cruise out to a small island about an hour north of Brunswick where we were able to catch a glimpse of Puffins in the their native environment. This was something that Mike wanted to do before leaving so it was great that we had the opportunity to go as they are only active in the late-spring to summer months. We are looking very forward to spending the next 2 years in Maine because it is a beautiful place with so much to offer.

One of the few Puffins that we actually saw...you have about 2 seconds to snap a shot!

New Harbor, Maine


The Munchkins Mama said...

The puffins at Sea World aren't quite as cool now knowing you can see them from Maine! Hope you are enjoying the St. Louis summer heat!

The Munchkins Mama said...

Scott learned from someone this week that on an Icelandic vacation you can EAT Puffin! Poor cute puffins!