Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Great Outdoors

After it snowed over 16 inches on Sunday, Lindsey and I decided to try a new activity with Tatum today...Snowshoeing! It was the warmest day in over a week, topping out near a balmy 30 degrees and it was finally done snowing, so we headed to Wolf Creek State Park. There were some beautiful semi-groomed trails right on Casco Bay. Unfortunately, we forgot Tatum's winter hat and so she had to wear the one Lindsey bought while we were in the Andes Mountains in Peru. Tatum seemed to enjoy the new activity at first, however, halfway through our trek she started to get bored and wanted to do the walking herself. That was a no-go and the second half of our hike was definitely louder that the first. We wrapped things up with some hot chocolate and a late afternoon snack for Tatum.


The Munchkins Mama said...

I can't imagine that much snow! Looks like fun thou!!!

The Five O's said...
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