Sunday, January 18, 2009

Let it Snow (Again)!

Another weekend has come and so has another foot of snow! While it certainly makes for a nice landscape, it also makes for some serious cabin fever. Tatum and I decided to make the best of it and "went sledding" outside. This consisted of pulling her up and down the street in a sled for about 20 minutes. Unfortunately, because of the heavy winter gear, she was not able to hold on and every strong wind gust or bump in the sled caused her to fall of. While there are tons of winter activities to do in Maine for older kids, there really aren't too many that are appropriate for toddlers. After it finally stops snowing, we make take her out for round two of sledding or some other winter activities.

1 comment:

The Munchkins Mama said...

It is quite possibly 80 degrees today!