Saturday, January 28, 2012

Baelo Claudia

Today we decided to hop in the car and do some further exploring of the region of Andalusia. We made the decision before Madeline was born that we would continue to try and get out as often as possible even though we would have a newborn in tow. After a low-key morning at home we got everyone dressed, packed up some snacks, and hit the ATM for some Euro before heading out to tour some ancient Roman ruins at the archeological complex of Baelo Claudia (

Baelo Claudia dates back to the 2nd century BC and it is situated near the Straits of Gibraltor, where at one time it was a busy port town involved in the salting industry and trade with what is now known as Tangier, Africa. Unfortunately they are in the process of renovating the grounds so some of the area was off-limits to us but we were still able to see what was once the Forum, the Basilica, the market, the Theater, the baths, and the walls and aqueducts surrounding the city.

The Forum area

a view of the Aqueducts leading into the city

Entrance to the Theater

Walking towards the city exit and the baths

Inside the Theater

One of the local resident bulls

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Zoobotanico Jerez

Since we are lucky enough to be enjoying a mild winter here in southern Spain we decided to take advantage of the 60 degree weather and head out to the zoo in Jerez - a short 20 minute drive away. The kids enjoyed an afternoon out and Madeline slept the entire trip so all went well. We even came home to a hot cooked meal as we are very fortunate to be receiving 7 weeks of meals from our friends here in Rota. The zoo here is not like zoos in the U.S. in that you are very close to all of the animals and they are accustomed to being fed table food by visitors so they stand at the fences begging for food. At times we felt too close! It is a good place for a short day trip but definitely not an every weekend trip.

How we travel: 3 kids and 1 stroller

a rodent that is as big as a labrador

Tatum photographing some monkeys


Owen's favorite exhibit - he kept saying "more, more"

The Spanish have some interesting clothing styles!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Girls...

Just a few random pictures from one day at home...

Tatum nursing her baby

...and burping her baby

Madeline deep in thought

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Tour Around the Pueblos Blancos

Today I decided to give Lindsey a "break" and took Tatum and Owen on a trip organized by base to the towns of Zahara de la Sierra and Grazelema with some friends and their children. The scenery was beautiful and I got plenty of quality time with the children. Unfortunately, we were not able to go inside the olive oil factory that we were supposed to and it started raining by the time we got to Grazalema, so our tour there consisted of taking the kids to get hot chocolate! Nonetheless, it was nice to see this area of Spain and I look forward to going back there as a whole family.

View from Zahara de la Sierra

More views in Zahara

Walking the streets of Zahara on a Sunday morning

Looking out at a lake from Zahara.

The Town Square of Zahara

Church near town square

Looking back at the Church in the background

Outside of the Olive Oil factory that we couldn't tour

Owen walking with his girlfriend to lunch

One of the only pictures we got to take in Grazalema before the heavy rains hit

Owen's view of Grazalema from his stroller

Saturday, January 14, 2012


We cannot help but enjoy the sunset at our new house; the water view is just beautiful here and it is hard not to enjoy it when it is 60 degrees in January!


While they do not look much alike, it is fun to see pictures of Tatum and Madeline in the same outfit at the same age. Thus far, Madeline has the fairest complexion of the 3 so it will be neat to see how her looks develop...

Tatum - 4 days

MJ - 9 days

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lots of Love

The kids just love having MJ around and they cannot resist holding, and kissing her. Owen has been such a wonderful big brother for being under 2 and Tatum is just thrilled to have a tiny baby around. We do have to be careful though because she thinks she can handle the baby more than she should! It will be so fun to see how MJ reacts to the older two once she is more alert...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Big Changes for 2012

2012 started off with a bang as we welcomed Madeline Jeanette (MJ) on January 5th. In addition to this, Grandma Smiley came to visit and we moved the day before MJ arrived! Clearly we won't be able to keep this pace up for all of 2012, but it has started out great and we wanted to share some pictures with everyone.

Lindsey before the c-section

MJ arrives at 09:11 CET on 5 January!

MJ adjusting to life

Dad introducing Madeline to Mom for the first time

MJ's first picture with her eyes open (and still covered in cheese)

Tatum holding her for the first time

Owen giving one of many kisses to "baby"

Owen realizing that she is here to stay

Grandma Karen holding MJ for the first time

The first family picture of 5 (Grandma Karen is not planning on becoming a photographer)

Mom and Madeline enjoying some time alone

MJ ready to be discharged!

Being discharged

MJ enjoying life at home on January 9th

Front of our new house

Inside the living room (still unpacking)

The Dining Room

On the back patio

View from the back patio with sun preparing to set on the ocean