Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Tour Around the Pueblos Blancos

Today I decided to give Lindsey a "break" and took Tatum and Owen on a trip organized by base to the towns of Zahara de la Sierra and Grazelema with some friends and their children. The scenery was beautiful and I got plenty of quality time with the children. Unfortunately, we were not able to go inside the olive oil factory that we were supposed to and it started raining by the time we got to Grazalema, so our tour there consisted of taking the kids to get hot chocolate! Nonetheless, it was nice to see this area of Spain and I look forward to going back there as a whole family.

View from Zahara de la Sierra

More views in Zahara

Walking the streets of Zahara on a Sunday morning

Looking out at a lake from Zahara.

The Town Square of Zahara

Church near town square

Looking back at the Church in the background

Outside of the Olive Oil factory that we couldn't tour

Owen walking with his girlfriend to lunch

One of the only pictures we got to take in Grazalema before the heavy rains hit

Owen's view of Grazalema from his stroller

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