Saturday, January 28, 2012

Baelo Claudia

Today we decided to hop in the car and do some further exploring of the region of Andalusia. We made the decision before Madeline was born that we would continue to try and get out as often as possible even though we would have a newborn in tow. After a low-key morning at home we got everyone dressed, packed up some snacks, and hit the ATM for some Euro before heading out to tour some ancient Roman ruins at the archeological complex of Baelo Claudia (

Baelo Claudia dates back to the 2nd century BC and it is situated near the Straits of Gibraltor, where at one time it was a busy port town involved in the salting industry and trade with what is now known as Tangier, Africa. Unfortunately they are in the process of renovating the grounds so some of the area was off-limits to us but we were still able to see what was once the Forum, the Basilica, the market, the Theater, the baths, and the walls and aqueducts surrounding the city.

The Forum area

a view of the Aqueducts leading into the city

Entrance to the Theater

Walking towards the city exit and the baths

Inside the Theater

One of the local resident bulls

1 comment:

Kimmy J said...

So cool!!!! What an opportunity!!