Sunday, February 17, 2013

Daytrip to Malaga

It recently hit us that our time is running out in Spain and we need to make the most of it!  We decided to take an overnight trip to the city of Malaga, which is a coastal city two and a half hours from us on the Mediterranean side of Spain.  We haven't heard many people speak of it one way or the other, however, it was a pleasant surprise.  It had ancient Moorish ruins, a vibrant downtown, and a Dunkin Donuts! 

Tatum relaxing in front of the Roman Forum

Tatum and my gray hair outside of the Roman Forum (Lindsey got a lot of laughs out of the grays)

The front of the Cathedral in Malaga

The view while walking the streets at night by our hotel

Palm trees and 60 degree weather at 10:00 a.m.

Walking the perimeter of the Alcazaba and looking for the entrance!

Finally, we found the entrance

Tatum posing on the walls of the ancient Moorish palace

Owen awkwardly posing in his shirt that is clearly for Christmas!

The Alcazaba

Tatum doing more posing

Lindsey and the 2 girls (MJ is in there)

Lindsey and MJ

Classic Moorish arches

Owen and MJ exhausted on the drive back to Rota

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