Thursday, February 28, 2013

Oh what a week!

As we write this, the month of February is coming to an end, and hopefully our week of continued sickness has also come to an end.  Tatum is finally asleep after a monstrous 2-hour coughing spree that left her, and us, exhausted.  Since Saturday afternoon one, or more, of our children has been sick with a fever, coughing, or vomiting.  Fortunately both Tatum and Owen had no-school for most of the week due to a Spanish holiday so they did not miss an entire week of school.  Sadly though, our week of fun playdates and outings did not occur and both mom and dad are mentally exhausted.  Saturday we are scheduled to visit a local goat farm where we will see some animals and watch the process of making goat cheese.  Let's hope for some health and happiness coming our way!

1 comment:

Josh and Rebecca Arthur said...

Boo...sounds sadly familiar. We were overrun by all sort of illnesses, too. Hope everyone gets better and that you get some rest!!!